
Thursday March 28, 2019

09:00 PM - 11:00 pm

Smoking weed is way cool, and all, but as your cannabis consumption advances from beginner status to more advanced, sooner or later you are gonna wanna take off the training wheels and try the granddaddy of concentrates – hash! We’ve shown you how to make hash butter for supercharged medibles, now we are gonna show you how to toke down on some old-school, supercharged hashish! At this juncture, we should caution you that if you are a newbie to hash, then you might want to take it slow; hash is very concentrated and so you might cough way more than you would with weed, but also THC levels in marijuana have a potency of 10-20 percent whereas THC levels in hashish can range from 20 percent to 60 percent – you will get really, really high, maybe get dizzy and disoriented if you smoke too much too fast! Just be chill, and take it slowly, but as you build up a little tolerance, then hash just might have you singing along with the Weezer song, ‘You’ve got your problems… I’ve got my hash pipe’!

Thursday March 28, 2019

9:00 pm - 11:00 pm


Cover: FREE

Las Vegas, Las Vegas Convention Center
