
Wednesday April 24, 2024

07:00 PM - 11:59 pm

We finally bring The Record Club to New York City to present a listening of a great NYC made masterpiece: Innervisions by Stevie Wonder. Innervisions embodies not only where Stevie was at the time, but it also embodies that spirit of New York City in the early seventies. At TRC 015 we’ll listen to, digest, and dissect this all time classic at UPSTAIRS, Public Records beautiful second floor lounge. Hearing this record on a world class Ojas sound system is going to be an incredible experience, you do not wanna miss this.

FYI: This is an intentional listening and deep dive so please arrive prepared to focus on the music. We’ll hang out afterwards to chat, kick it and dj, but as the music is playing during the session we ask for your attention and your silence. Thanks in advance.

Wednesday April 24, 2024

7:00 pm - 11:59 pm


Cover: $22.00