
Coworking Week 2015 – August 4th – 12th


Coworking Week 2015, support the sharing economy coming, posting and sharing our events during the Aug 4th to Aug 10th.

This year Citizen Spaces is going to celebrate an entire week instead of just one day, this year we are encouraging space owners all over the world to join us in celebrating 10 years of Coworking, collaboration, and the shared economy.

Event Registration Pages:

SF-  https://cowosf2015.eventbrite.com

LA- https://coworkla2015.eventbrite.com

Seattle- https://seattlecowo.eventbrite.com

Boston- http://cowoboston.eventbrite.com

NYC- http://cowoweeknyc.eventbrite.com

Chicago- http://chicagocowo.eventbrite.com

Austin- http://austincowo.eventbrite.com

Miami- http://miamicowo.eventbrite.com

Detroit: http://detroitcowo.eventbrite.com

Coworking Week will begin August 4th, 2015, and end on August 11th, 2015, International Coworking Day as always is on August 9th, 2015

For more information on Coworking Week, log on to www.coworkingweek.com

Like us: https://www.facebook.com/coworkweek
